Social Worker | Homeschool Consultant | Trauma-Informed Art Therapies Counsellor | Wellness Practitioner
Reg. no: ASCHP WC24/9022

Memletics Learning Styles Profile
Teach your Child in the Way they Learn
Service Description
We are all smart! Your child's Learning Styles have more influence than you may realize. Their preferred styles guide the way they learn. They also change the way your child internally represent experiences, the way they recall information, and even the words they choose. Research shows us that each Learning Style uses different parts of the brain. By involving more of the brain during learning, we remember more of what we learn. THE 7 LEARNING STYLES: 1. Physical (kinesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. 2. Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. 3. Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music. 4. Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. 5. Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. 6. Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study. 7. Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Traditional schooling used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical teaching methods. Those who use less favored Learning Styles may find themselves struggling to excel or even labelled in a harmful way. This can create positive and negative spirals that reinforce the belief that one is "smart" or "dumb". Learning preferences are not a limitation, a formula, or a ticket to struggle-free homeschooling. They are opportunities to connect with your learners in a way that is meaningful, fulfilling, and fun. As a result, they will be better equipped for lifelong learning. HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. Complete and submit the online Eunoia Intake Form. 2. Book a Consultation a week or more from now: This is a Feedback Session, so keep in mind you need to complete the Questionnaire and I have to write the Report. I will confirm your appointment via email. 3. I will email you the Memletics Learning Styles Questionnaire that you need to complete and then email back to me. 4. FEEDBACK SESSION: - You will receive a detailed Report that includes: Your child's Memletics Learning Styles Profile with practical Tips & Learning Techniques. If you want to recognize and understand your child's Learning Styles, and use techniques better suited to them and their preferred way of learning, then this is for you!

Contact Details
Hermanus, South Africa
Hermanus, South Africa