What is the GED
The GED was originally an acronym for the Tests of General Educational Development, but since 2011 we just use the term GED. The GED test is a series of four subject tests a person can take to demonstrate their high school academic knowledge. The GED® is a SAQA recognized High School Foreign Grade 12 Equivalent, NQF Level 4 (like a SA NSC Matric without Exemption) in South Africa.
In the early 1940’s veterans returning to the Unites States after World War II needed to obtain academic credentials to get civilian jobs and gain access to tertiary education or training. The GED® test was developed for this purpose, similar to an adult matric. It has subsequently been written by more than 17 million students in the USA and around the world, including South Africa. All fifty states in the United States officially offer the GED® tests and they are written in more than 3000 testing centers worldwide.
Some tertiary institutions in South Africa may require you to convert this US foreign school leaving certificate to its South African equivalent. You need to contact SAQA for this conversion. The cost of getting your SAQA letter is a total of R2020 which includes an application fee of R320 and the fee of applying which is R1700. Please see the following steps on how to to evaluate your GED® with SAQA: https://ged.org.za/index.php/saqa/ and SAQA How to Guide
The GED® test costs US$80 per subject. There are four subjects on the GED® test, so the total for all subjects is $320 USD.
What subjects does the GED test
The 2014 GED® test consists of four subjects which you can book to write on different days. See https://ged.com/about_test/test_subjects/
1. Reasoning through Language Arts – 150 minutes (including a 10-minute break) (Cost $80) https://ged.com/about_test/test_subjects/language_arts/
Test Topics Reading for Meaning Identifying and Creating Arguments Grammar and Language
Time (to take the test) 150 minutes Includes 3 minutes of instructions and final review Includes 10 minute break between parts 2 and 3 Includes 45 minutes for the written essay
Format 3 sections 1 written essay (extended response) Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, and drop down)
2. Mathematical Reasoning – 115 minutes (Cost $80) https://ged.com/about_test/test_subjects/math/
Test Topics Basic Math Geometry Basic Algebra Graphs and Functions
Time (to take the test) 115 minutes Includes 2 minutes of instructions and final review Includes 3 minute break between parts (to retrieve your calculator in test center)
Format Access to calculator reference sheet and math formula sheet
Access to onscreen calculator on part 2 of test
Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, fill-in-the-blank, select an area, and drop down)
3. Science – 90 minutes (Cost $80) https://ged.com/about_test/test_subjects/science/
Test Topics Reading for Meaning in Science Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments Using Numbers and Graphics in Science
Time (to take the test) 90 minutes Includes 2 minutes of instructions and final review No break
Access to onscreen calculator
Access to calculator reference sheet Multiple choice and other question types (fill in the blank, drag and drop, select an area, and drop down)
4. Social Studies – 70 minutes (Cost $80) https://ged.com/about_test/test_subjects/social_studies/
Test Topics Reading for Meaning in Social Studies Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments in Social Studies Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies
Time (to take the test) 70 minutes Includes 2 minutes of instructions and final review No break
Access to onscreen calculator
Access to calculator reference sheet Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, fill in the blank, select an area, and drop down)
Can I bring a calculator into the test? No. There are no outside electronic devices allowed in the testing room. However, for the portions of the exam where a calculator is allowed, it is available on-screen, within the test. We recommend this tutorial to familiarize yourself with the online calculator https://ged.com/practice-test/en/calculator/
Can I bring pen and paper into the testing venue to work out calculations? No, you may not take anything into the testing venue. You are provided with an on-screen calculator for any calculations required.
How is the 2014 GED® test scored and what score is passing? The 2014 GED® test is scored by computer. The passing standard on each content area has been set at a score of 145 on a scale of 100 to 200 scaled score points for each of the four content areas.
How long do you expect we will wait for scores? Scores will be returned from the test within 24 hours of completion of each subject.
Where can I find my score report? You must go to My Scores in your GED.com profile. Under the icon that is showing your score, it should say “See Score Report”. If you click on this, you will be able to view your score report.
What happens if I fail a test? The GED Testing Service permits you to re-test the same subject two additional times without a wait and then requires a 60-day wait period between additional attempts. There is no minimum grade criterion to qualify for such a rewrite opportunity but it will attract a test fee. The GED® test score report will provide you with detailed feedback to address the skills you need to work on.
What happens if there is a power outage during my exam? If there is a power outage during your test, the testing centre will log a case with Pearson VUE. Once they have reviewed your case they will email you their decision. Should a resit be approved, you will need to contact International Pearson VUE directly to rebook your test. The testing centre is not able to rebook test dates on your behalf. You can contact the International Pearson VUE Call Centre on the South African number +27 (0) 11 083 8844 or on the International number +44 (0) 161-855-7440.
What happens when I pass all 4 tests?
On successful completion of all tests you will be issued an electronic version of your GED® High School Equivalency Credential issued by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education in Washington, DC. You will receive two e-mails from “Parchment”, which will be sent to the email address registered in your profile. Each email will have a link to a copy of your electronic Diploma and Transcript. It is important that you download these documents immediately and keep them in a safe place, as the links will expire. The links for students who have just passed their GED are valid for 180 days, while the links for any re-order of either the electronic Diploma and/or Transcript are only valid for 60 days.
GED Advantages & Disadvantages
●The advantages of the GED
•Allows freedom and flexibility. Parents can follow any curriculum of their choice up to the age of 16 before the student starts preparing for the GED exams. Students can still focus on their other interests (hobbies, businesses) and not spend years to obtain a matric. It is self-paced and students can book a test when they are ready.
•Best-priced option for a family on a tight budget. The student only writes 4 test and book and pay whenever they are ready.
•Many overseas universities accept the GED for admission purposes and offer highly regarded degree programs. South African GED graduates who wish to enroll for degree study do have the option to consider overseas online universities as well.
•Some English-speaking homeschoolers choose this option as the Afrikaans required for Cambridge and the Afrikaans second language subject as part of the NSC offered by curriculum providers is a problem.
●The disadvantages of the GED
•USAf no longer considers applications for Foreign Conditional Exemption for University entrance from South African GED graduates after December 2019.
•It is not the best choice if your child is interested in pursuing a competitive field of study, for example, Medicine or Engineering, where there are strict admission requirements.
•The GED is just offered in English and maybe more difficult for students who do not have English as their home language.
Degree studies at SA Universities:
USAf have issued notice that they will no longer consider applications for Foreign Conditional Exemption from South African GED® graduates after December 2019.
However a GED® is still recognised as a Grade 12 equivalent by SAQA*.
If a student obtains their GED® credential after December 2019 and wishes to apply for degree studies they can apply for exemption at USAf using other categories: https://mb.usaf.ac.za/paragraph-17/
Students wishing to do a Higher Certificate (NQF Level 5) or Diploma can apply with their GED® alone and do not need an exemption for this. The Higher Certificate (NQF5) may then qualify them for a complete exemption at USAf which may enable them to apply for degree studies provided they meet the entrance requirements of the faculty or university offering the degree.
Please see the link to understanding NQF Levels and ways to study further in South Africa: https://www.eunoiahomeschoolacademy.com/post/bridging-the-gap-ged-to-degree
Many overseas universities accept the GED® for admission purposes and offer highly regarded degree programs. South African GED® graduates who wish to enroll for degree study also have the option to consider overseas online universities.
GED Exam:
There is no prerequisite qualification for the GED exam. To write the GED® tests in South Africa, candidates must be age 17 or older and must have a form of South African identification with a photo and signature, such as a Smart ID.
In South Africa, if you are 18 years or older you may sit for the test with no restriction. If you are 17 years old, you must complete and submit a Parental/Guardian Consent form and send it to help@GED.com. Once the form is reviewed and approved, you will receive a notification in your GED.com account letting you know that you can schedule your test. Due to government rules, no one 16 years of age or younger is allowed to test. See these Step by Step Instructions.
Where do I write the GED exam in SA:
There are 38 GED® test centers in South Africa at Boston VUE Testing Centers. When you book your tests online you will be given the option of choosing the test center closest to your address and the address of the test venue, a contact number and a map will be provided. Find a Test Center close to you.
You can choose from the available dates and time slots and book a test date and time that is convenient for you. See GED Test Centers for South Africa
Is there a GED readiness test to see if I am ready for the exam?
Yes, on the website of the GED® Testing Service you can download free GED® practice tests for each of the four GED® tests: http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/freepracticetest
You can also purchase a GED® Ready Test https://www.gedmarketplace.com/GED-Ready-The-Official-Practice-Test-p/2014_opt.htm for each subject at $6.00 per test. According to the GED® Testing Service, this is “the only practice test built to tell a student if they are likely to pass the real thing.“
There are also free Assessment Guides for Educators which you can download to see a detailed description of the content of the tests for each subject: http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/the-new-assessment-downloads
For South Africans, you can purchase the GED Ready® Tests using most debit cards, credit cards or pay by EFT for R120 excl. VAT (at the following link: GED® Ready Tests http://ged.org.za/index.php/product/ged-ready-practice-test/
Click here for screenshotted guidelines to help you take a GED Ready® Test: Online GED Test Booking https://onlineged.co.za/online-ged-test-booking/
How do I book a GED Exam:
Candidates must book their tests themselves online at the official GED® Testing Service website: https://ged.com/
Log onto ged.com and create a brand new account filling out your profile as an international student.
Choose which test subjects you are taking. Select a day and time at one of the official GED® test centers.
Pay for the test using your credit or debit card.
GED Test Prep:
●GED Testing Service https://ged.com/study/practice_questions/#view-package
GED Testing Service is as authentic as it gets, considering that it was written by people who set the actual GED exam. The structure, content, and difficulty of this course are all designed to match the real thing. After taking a practice test, you will be assigned a probability score that determines how likely you are to pass the actual exam. This score is a great resource for determining how much time you need to prepare. You will also receive a custom study plan that is designed to improve your score for your next practice test. GED Testing Service is confident in its features, which is why it provides an extensive free trial that spans a whole 90 days.
●Kaplan https://www.kaptest.com/ged
Kaplan offers an on-demand, self-paced course designed to help you study for the GED exam at your own leisure. Over the course of three months, participants enjoy an interactive, live learning experience developed in collaboration with the GED Testing Service. Overall, Kaplan has more than 150 course videos (ranging from 60 to 90 minutes), as well as hundreds of practice questions and tests designed to imitate the actual GED. Alternatively, you can choose the GED Live program, which grants you access to both live and recorded classes. Whichever option you choose, Kaplan is so confident in its prep skills that it offers a money-back guarantee if you fail your GED test.
Study.com provides comprehensive coverage of all four essential topics covered in the GED exam. Users gain access to a library of over 300 short, engaging course videos on math, science, social studies, and language arts. Other resources include thousands of practice questions and five thorough GED study guides, complete with insider tips. At the end of each topic, you can engage in quizzes that determine your level of understanding about the topic. You will also receive personalized results that pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve. In addition to enhancing your knowledge on these subjects, you can expect to gain the skills and confidence necessary to tackle the GED.
The expansive resources offered by this online course make it live up to its name. Best GED Classes grants access to unlimited lessons, study guides, and practice tests, all free of charge. The practice tests are designed to imitate the actual exam, and each question comes with prompt feedback and a thorough explanation about the answer. You can take a full, timed practice exam or take tests by subject. Alternatively, you may want to participate in the learning style quiz. This test is designed to improve your time-management and reading comprehension skills. The course is entirely online, letting you participate whenever your schedule allows it and eliminating concerns over deadlines and due dates.
●Union Test Prep https://uniontestprep.com/ged-test
This comprehensive course aims to help you score big on your first GED attempt through an impressive product portfolio. Users gain access to a wide array of study material, including practice tests, flashcards, and study guides. You can select the specific topics that you feel you need to work on, from mathematical reasoning and science to social studies and reasoning through language arts. Each of these topics is broken down into sections that are designed to model the actual GED exam. When navigating the site, you will be prompted to choose between complimentary content and a paid account. For $9, you can gain access to the entire library of study resources and disable pop-up advertisements.
●Essential Education: https://www.essentialed.com/students/courses
Essential Education prepares you for success by determining your individual needs and doing its best to meet those needs. After enrolling in the course, you are prompted to take a prep test that will identify your strengths and weaknesses. Once the site has determined which areas need improvement, it will develop a personalized study plan for you. Essential Education also offers a variety of supportive resources, including free one-on-one support from real Student Advisors and free access to live coaching sessions and webinars, which provide students with extra tools to help fast-track their study and get GED test-ready. Another helpful feature of Essential Education’s programs is that they can be fully completed through a mobile device. The program is very mobile-friendly, allowing you to easily access it anytime, anywhere.
4Tests’ GED practice test review is a free GED prep course that prepares you for the exam through practice tests. As opposed to comprehensive learning, the course is designed to let you choose which subjects you wish to tackle. Through this feature, you can channel your efforts into improving the test areas in which you are under-performing. If you don’t know your weak areas, you can take a self-assessment quiz designed to help identify them. On top of the practice tests, you are given access to a “How To Pass The GED” tutorial, complete with test-taking tips and advice on time-management and reading comprehension.
●Mometrix University: https://www.mometrix.com/university/ged/
With 1,000+ practice questions, 112 lessons, 290+ instructional videos, and 430 flashcards, Mometrix University gives you everything you need to get ready for the GED. The GED testing service recognizes that Mometrix University’s course materials align 100% with the GED, so you can be confident that this resource will actually help you pass the test. Mometrix University also offers a one-week money-back guarantee, allowing you to test out their service without making any financial commitment.
●Test Prep Toolkit: https://www.testpreptoolkit.com/free-ged-practice-tests
Test Prep Toolkit provides a collection of several GED practice tests, amounting to thousands of GED prep questions overall. All of these tests are complimentary and can be accessed at your convenience, 24 hours a day. You may take tests by subject if there are specific topics you feel you need to work on. However, it is important to note that the tests are shorter than the actual exam. They are good for practice but not ideal for those who wish to simulate an actual exam experience. In addition to practice tests, Test Prep Toolkit offers a fully online exam prep course that strives to develop your critical thinking and time-management skills.
●UGO Prep: https://www.ugoprep.com/ged-prep/
If you’re looking for a course that won’t take up too much of your time, UGO Prep has you covered. For most students, it has a completion period of 2 weeks. This course is designed for people who would rather work intensely but quickly (as opposed to working at a leisurely pace over a long period of time). UGO Prep targets your weaker subjects and helps you improve on them while simultaneously reinforcing your stronger subjects. Resources include printable practice questions, authentic simulated exams, and thorough review guides that offer in-depth knowledge on each of the exam topics. It also offers a limited library of free tests and resources.
● Other South African GED-prep service providers and Resources:
https://onlineged.co.za/ https://www.passged.co.za/ https://www.educ8sa.net/ged/ https://www.thinkdigitalacademy.org/curricula/united-states-curriculum/
*Those who prefer books use Cracking the GED by Princeton Review to prepare.
*GED Educator Handbook: https://ged.com/wp-content/uploads/educator_handbook.pdf
*GED Study Guides: https://ged.com/educators_admins/teaching/classroom_materials/study_guides/

My personal favorite GED-prep service provider is Learnalot.
With Learnalot, you have the flexibility to prepare online for your GED exams with their online learning platform, together with the online group lessons and support from their highly experienced virtual tutors. There is no need to feel alone in your journey, they will be with you every step of the way.
They have developed weekly study schedules, helping you to know exactly what you need to study each week. Small live group weekly online lessons designed to help you ace your tests.
Learnalot provides you with different GED online course offerings – click on the links below to see more details:
Gateway Self-Study
GED Private Lessons
GED Group Lessons
Pre-GED Self-study
Pre-GED Private Lessons
MindPlay Reading Course
I recommend the GED Group Lessons (with tutor support):
R1,150.00 / month for 12 months
Access to the Essential Educatioe online learning platform
Weekly online group lessons with an experienced GED® Virtual Tutor
Personalized one-on-one AI Tutoring
Small group lessons
Dedicated study chat group & Comprehensive Study Guides
Mentor support and advice throughout your GED® journey
The option to cancel your enrolment any time after three months – no questions asked.
Registrations are open throughout the year. Following registration, lessons will start each month, February through to November. The timetable will take into account school holidays.
Fees exclude the GED Ready® Practice Tests, GED® Test fees, Ordering of GED Credentials and SAQA application.
The American Highs School Diploma vs. the GED
A question that has been asked frequently is whether the AHSD is the same as the GED? This is a common misconception. The answer is however straight forward: no, it is not.
Various differences exist, with the most substantial being that the AHSD is issued after completing a particular jurisdiction’s high school educational requirements, for gr. 9-12 (24 to 26 credits) whereas the GED a gr.12 exam of is four national tests taken after the age of 17, which indicates that you’ve achieved US high school educational standards by assessing your reasoning and knowledge in 4 subjects, English Language Arts, Maths, Science and Social Studies. And which culminates in the receipt of a GED Certificate.
Watch this short video that explains the key differences between the GED and the AHSD:
For more information on the American High School Diploma, see here: