What is an American High School Diploma?
A high school diploma is a North American academic school leaving qualification awarded upon high school graduation. The high school diploma is typically studied for over the course four years, from grade 9 to grade 12.
The American High School Diploma (AHSD), is an established and prestigious international qualification, as it represents the satisfactory completion of education from Kindergarten through 12th grade. It specifically contains a transcript of the completed coursework for High School, grades 9 through 12 , in Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and a range of elective subjects such as Fine Arts. It is a very popular choice for South African homeschoolers and offers a flexible, self-paced, child-centered and neurodivergent-friendly homeschool option and school exit that provides you with matric exemption.
In South Africa you need to enroll with an accredited American service provider/online school for high school, gr. 9-12, so that your service provider can issue you with an accredited American High School Diploma at the end of gr.12. For example, Acellus Academy offers 2 pathways, Standard AHSD (24 credits) and a Honors AHSD (26 credits and GPA of 3.0), university bound students should choose the Honors option. Keep in mind that you need to meet USAf's requirements for matric exemption if your child wants to study a degree course at a South African university, more about that later.

Is the American High School Diploma accepted in South Africa as a matric or school leaving certificate?
Yes, definitely! The American High School Diploma (the College Prep or Honors option) is equivalent to Cambridge A-levels or a South African gr. 13.
It is also recognized by the South African Matriculation Board/ USAf for university bound students. To study at a South African university, you will need matric exemption, also called a Bachelor's Pass. If you did not follow the traditional South African formal secondary school route (CAPS & IEB), you will have to apply for matric exemption with USAf (same as Cambridge).
What is a matriculation exemption?
A matriculation exemption or a Bachelor's Pass is a legal requirement for first-degree study at a South African university.
Foreign students wishing to register for first-degree studies in South Africa must have their school qualifications evaluated by the Matriculation Board/ USAf that will then issue a certificate of exemption to those who qualify.
South African students who did not pass Senior Certificate with endorsement are required by law to apply for a matriculation exemption through the Matriculation Board.
Requirements for Matric Exemption
Candidates who did not follow the formal secondary school route in the South African schooling system need to qualify for a certificate of complete or conditional exemption from the matriculation endorsement requirements in terms of the provisions contained in regulations 10-40, as published in Government Notice (GN) 1226 of 1 December 2000 and amended in GN 1001, 1272 and 1345 of 12 October 2001, 11 October 2002 and of 26 September 2003 respectively.
For exemption requirements from USAf/ SA Matriculation Board with an American High School Diploma see: https://mb.usaf.ac.za/united-states-of-america/
American High School Diploma Offered by South African Candidates
The USAf Board approved the following arrangement for the pipeline applicants that offer the American High School Diploma obtained in South Africa and could not be considered for a foreign conditional exemption under Paragraph 28 of the Gazetted regulations:
a) It remains open to HEIs to consider testing such applicants and, if it finds them ready to profit by degree study to use the paragraph 31 Senate Discretionary admissions route;
b) The MB exemptions committee, to ensure fairness, will consider applications for exemption on a case-by-case basis. It may grant a condoned ordinary conditional exemption (OCE) certificate under paragraph 40 of the regulations if the applicant meets specific criteria:
i. Has an accredited [American] High School Diploma with a good GPA (i.e., at least 3.5) AND
(a) SAT scores of a minimum of 610 for English and 530 for Mathematics, OR
b) Advanced Placement (AP) scores (at least two subjects passed on grade 3, 4 OR
5 for the Advanced Placement (AP) examinations of the American College Board OR
(c) ACT mean of 22 with a 22 sub-minimum in English and 21 in Mathematics (currently there are no ACT exam centers available in South Africa) OR
(d) National Benchmark Test (NBT) with the following scores:
For a STEM area degree programme: “proficient scores” in Academic Literacy (AL), Quantitative Literacy (QL), and Mathematics (MAT),
For programmes that do not require Maths at a 4 or better in the NSC: “proficient scores” for AL & QL.
The universities or tertiary institutions in South Africa, and the particular faculty, might add requirements to these, so best to follow-up with your particular university of choice to verify their own admission requirements if it is not clear from their policy.
For more information on AP Tests, SAT, ACT and NBT you are welcome to contact me.

The American Highs School Diploma vs. the GED
A question that has been asked frequently is whether the AHSD is the same as the GED (General Education Development Certificate)? This is a common misconception.
The answer is however straight forward: no, it is not.
Various differences exist, with the most substantial being that the AHSD is issued after completing a particular jurisdiction’s high school educational requirements, for gr. 9-12 (24 to 26 credits) whereas the GED a gr.12 exam of is four national tests taken after the age of 17, which indicates that you’ve achieved US high school educational standards by assessing your reasoning and knowledge in 4 subjects, English Language Arts, Maths, Science and Social Studies. And which culminates in the receipt of a GED Certificate.
Watch this short video that explains the key differences between the GED and the AHSD:
Homeschooling towards the American High School Diploma
For your AHSD to be accredited, you need to enroll in an online school/ virtual school/ umbrella school that is accredited.
An abundance of accredited service providers is available. With service delivery being important in a competitive US market, an adviser is typically allocated to your student and his/her family, who will guide you through the course selection process to reach your educational goals. You will furthermore be (pleasantly) surprised at the number and nature of courses offered, this will of course also depend on your specific service provider.

Online schools: some providers are very flexible, and you can enroll anytime, do your work from anywhere and at anytime through the academic year. Some may be more restricted with enrollment time, require class attendance, or has a fixed assignment/test schedule. Obtain also clarity on their transfer policy for completed courses, and the number of courses a student is allowed to take annually. In determining the value of an online high school program, you will want to consider the following: rate of successful program completion, ease of communication with the school and with teachers, flexibility and delivery of classes, counseling and tutoring services, individualized programming, availability of specialization (engineering, religion, arts, etc.), dual credit offerings, and extracurricular activities or clubs. Consider Acellus Academy https://www.acellusacademy.com/
Umbrella Schools on the other hand offer more flexibility, where you may use their curriculum, or do an eclectic approach where you choose your courses and have a degree of freedom in meeting the regional Diploma requirements. Consider Bridgeway Academy, Homelife Academy or Kairos Academy (SA based).
See this list of The Best Online High School Programs 2024:
Accredited Online Service Providers in South Africa & Beyond
Here are a few of the accredited service providers homeschoolers in South Africa are using. They are recognized by USAf for matric exemption. Some are located in South Africa and others are in the US but available to international students through online/distance learning.
Acellus Academy (US based accredited online school) https://www.acellusacademy.com/ and they support students with special needs and learning differences: https://www.acellusacademy.com/special-needs/
South African Virtual School (SA based and affiliated with Florida Virtual School for accreditation) https://savirtualschool.co.za/
Active Academy https://activeonlineducation.co.za/ (based in SA and affiliated with SwitchedOn Education for accreditation.)
Bridgeway Academy (US based Umbrella School) https://www.homeschoolacademy.com/
Home Life Academy (US based Umbrella School) https://homelifeacademy.com/
Kairos Academy SA (SA based and affiliated with Home Life Academy for accreditation, by Annerine Wenhold.) https://kairosacademysa.com/
Diversio Academy (SA based and affiliated with Home Life Academy for accreditation, by Stephane Burger) https://diversioacademy.com/
Edu8 (SA based and affiliated with Acellus Academy for accreditation.) https://www.educ8sa.net/american-high-school-diploma/
Gifted & Talented Education
There are also a few service providers that offers programs for gifted children.
IVLA’a GATE Program: Gifted and Talented Eduation:
https://internationalvla.com/gate-program/ the GATE program from International Virtual Learning Academy https://internationalvla.com/about-us/
IVLA’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program provides learning enrichment, fosters critical thinking, encourages creative problem-solving skills, and facilitates cooperative learning opportunities with other gifted students.
Through coordination among our program administrators, teachers, and success coaches, IVLA provides the following services to gifted students:
Learning at a higher cognitive level for intellectually gifted students
Enrichment, acceleration and advancement
Exposure to experiences, materials, and information beyond what is offered through the regular curriculum at a student’s particular grade level.
Interaction with other gifted and talented students through a supervised student engagement platform.
Laurel Springs: Gifted & Talented Academy
Laurel Springs understand the unique needs and abilities of gifted children. As a distance learning program, they are able to create an individualized learning plan that is built upon each student’s strengths and needs. Additionally, Academy students are placed in the most appropriate courses for their learning level, regardless of their chronological age. This process allows the teachers to collaborate with each student to develop a path focusing on his or her areas of interest and future goals.
In conclusion, remember that you can still create an individualized, neurodivergent-friendly homeschool experience for your child where their support needs are met and where they have the accommodations they need to thrive. Let the curriculum fit the child and not visa versa. You can use the AHSD as your core curriculum and enhance and supplement with delight-directed subjects and allow your child to learn at their own pace.
Advice for Parents when aiming for Degree Studies at a South African University
Please make sure that you do your own research and familiarize yourself with the admission requirements of your child's preferred university or tertiary institution. Remember every tertiary institution has their own set of criteria and they have the last say in how to qualify for admission to a specific course and faculty.
A student with an accredited American High School Diploma (Honors Pathway, GPA of 3.5 or higher, and meets USAf's requirements for matric exemption) can apply to study at a tertiary institution in South Africa. Whether they qualify depends on the specific university and program requirements - there are no guarantees! They are usually evaluated on a case by case basis.
Aim for Strong Academic Performance
✅ Advice for Parents:
Choose an accredited American service provider for high school (gr. 9-12) that fits your child's learning styles, neuro profile, personality profile and career pathway. You can choose between an accredited Online School or Umbrella School.
Let your child take at least 26 credits, including AP subjects, and ensure your child maintains a GPA of 3.5 or more.
Make sure that the service provider meets your child's support needs and provide sufficient structure and tutor support.
Enhance their Academic Profile with extra delight-directed subjects, volunteer work, work experience, short courses in their field of interest, etc.
Research University Requirements Early
Each university has different admission policies for students. Some allow degree admission under strict conditions and if your child has a strong and well rounded academic profile (e.g. Work experience, Life Experience, previous learning and completed courses and other factors).
✅ Advice for Parents:
Check university admission requirements before enrolling in an AHSD program.
Contact universities directly to confirm if they accept the AHSD for degree studies and ask if they need a SAQA conversion.
Apply with USAf for matric exemption and make sure your child meets their requirements.
Look into bridging programs or alternative pathways if necessary.
Consider Alternative Entry Routes
If your child does not qualify for admission to a degree course immediately after their AHSD, they can start with a Higher Certificate or Diploma, then move into a degree later.
✅ Advice for Parents:
Higher Certificates (1 year) → Can lead to a Diploma or Degree.
Diplomas (2–3 years) → Some allow entry into a Bachelor’s Degree in the same field.
Some universities offer Foundation or Bridging Programs for students who don’t meet
direct degree entry requirements.
Develop Career Awareness
University isn’t the only pathway to success. If your child is more practical and hands-on, they
might find more success in TVET training, entrepreneurship, or specialized skills programs
rather than pushing for a university degree.
✅ Advice for Parents:
Encourage their child to explore career options early. Do a Career Screening and find your child's Career Pathway.
Support your child in choosing a path based on their strengths and interests, not just societal pressure to go to university.
Look at the South African NC(V) as an alternative to the GED, if it is a better fit and pathway to success https://www.eunoiahomeschoolacademy.com/post/a-south-african-alternative-the-national-certificate-vocational-ncv
The AHSD can be a stepping stone to university or your tertiary institution of choice, but careful planning is essential. Parents should ensure their child:
✔ Chooses the right school exit and Matric Pathway early.
✔ Meet the requirements from SAQA and USAf for matric exemption.
✔ Achieves good marks and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or more.
✔ Research university admission policies early.
✔ Considers alternative pathways if needed.
You are welcome to contact me for support or if you have any questions.
If you need some help to figure out your child’s Career Aptitude & Interests to map out their Career Path – then this is for you!