The GED Test is a series of four subject exams that is an alternative to a traditional high school diploma in the United States. It is not a "curriculum per se" but rather an American School Leaving Certificate. The GED Test is also recognized in South Africa by SAQA and our tertiary institutions as an equivalent to a South African NQF4 Matric (without exemption).
The GED has no prerequisites, your child only has to be 17 years old. You don’t have to take all 4 tests at once — you can space them out and go at your own pace. Most students enroll with a GED-prep service provider for the grade 12 academic year in order to master the content and then proceed to write the GED exams. For more information on the GED see, The GED as a Homeschool Exit, and also see, Bridging the Gap: GED to Degree.
Keep in mind that the GED only tests 4 subjects, namely English, Math, Science and Social Studies. You may add any other delight-directed subjects to enhance your child's learning, e.g. living books and Literature, Art, Music, Coding, Typing, Accounting, etc. Just make sure they have a strong foundation in the 4 core subjects and are ready at the end of grade 11 for the workload and difficulty level of the GED content, that they will have to be able to master to pass the GED exams successfully.
1. Reasoning through Language Arts
Test Topics:
Reading for Meaning Identifying and Creating Arguments.
Grammar and Language
2. Mathematical Reasoning.
Test Topics:
Basic Math
Basic Algebra
Graphs and Functions
3. Science (Combined Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
Test Topics:
Reading for Meaning in Science
Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments
Using Numbers and Graphics in Science.
4. Social Studies (Combined History & Geography)
Test Topics:
Reading for Meaning in Social Studies
Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments in Social Studies
Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies.

* Optional: You may add delight-directed and interest-led subjects to enhance and enrich your child's education in an eclectic way. You can then include these in your child's Homeschool Transcript at the end of grade 12 alongside their GED certificate, when applying to tertiary institutions.
For Primary & Middle School Students

This is a common question that parents often ask, "What do we do before the GED?", wondering what their child should study in the years leading up to the GED.
There are different options available, keep in mind that the GED is an US school leaving certificate and thus aligned to the US core curriculum, specifically with the Common Core State Standards, meaning it measures the same academic skills and knowledge expected of a typical high school graduate in the United States. Most students enroll with a GED-prep service provider for the grade 12 academic year in order to master the content and then proceed to write the GED Test's 4 exams at any external GED exam center in South Africa.
For this reason you may use any of the huge variety of US homeschool curricula and service providers from Kindergarten up to grade 10-11 level. You may follow any homeschooling approach or educational philosophy like Unschooling, Delight-directed Learning, Charlotte Mason Method, Unit Studies, Boxed Curriculum, and an US Online Curriculum; as long as it aligns with the US core curriculum or Common Core State Standards.
Firstly, you get a Complete Homeschool Curriculum that will provide all the subjects and homeschool support in the form of Teacher Manuals and Tests/Exams, etc. that you may need to educate your child at home. Secondly, you get single subjects that you can use to build your own custom-fit and eclectic curriculum for your child’s unique needs.
See my Eunoia Curriculum Directory for many wonderful and delightful homeschool curricula and resources available. Here are a few options for you to explore:
Complete Homeschool Curriculum
The Good and the Beautiful http://www.goodandbeautiful.com/
Funschooling https://www.funschooling.com/
Sonlight https://www.sonlight.com/
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool https://allinonehomeschool.com/
Gather Round Homeschool https://gatherroundhomeschool.com/
My Father’s World https://www.mfwbooks.com/
Winter Promise Curriculum https://winterpromise.com/
ACE School of Tomorrow Curriculum https://www.aceministries.com/curriculum
You have to do it through an Academy in South Africa, e.g. Active Home Education Institute or https://purelifeacademy.co.za/
Book Shark https://www.bookshark.com/
A Gentle Feast https://agentlefeast.com/
Simply Charlotte Mason https://simplycharlottemason.com/
Online Curriculum
Power Homeschool https://www.powerhomeschool.org/
Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/
Time4Learning https://www.time4learning.com/
Individual Subjects & Eclectic Homeschooling
Individual subjects can be sourced from various curriculum providers to build your own eclectic, individualized, child-centered and delight-directed curriculum. I cannot list all of them here, but you are welcome to have a look at my online Curriculum Directory.
For High School Students (Transitioning from CAPS)

Some students coming from a South African school or who were using a CAPS-aligned homeschool curriculum or online school will need to transition to a US-aligned mastery level, to equip and prepare them to study for the GED Test through a GED-prep service provider. Learning Gaps are no cause for alarm, they are normal and they can be fixed, depending on the needs of the student (please contact me if you need support to assess this).
Not sure if your child is ready for the GED?
See these pre GED "Crash Courses" or bridging courses that will prepare them to enroll with a GED program and to start working towards readiness to take the GED Test exams.
Ensure that you are ready for the GED® by practicing the skills necessary in the core subjects of Mathematics and English before starting your GED® journey.
For students aged 15-16 years who have less than a Grade 10 CAPS qualification.
Essential Education’s Pre-GED Bridging Course TABE learning material.
Optional pre-GED Coach with weekly mentor guidance throughout your Pre-GED journey from highly experienced tutors.
Optional extra: Pre-GED Virtual Tutor.
A very basic pre GED course with only two subjects, Maths and English.
Aimed at students who do not yet have a Grade 10.
Suitable for students aged 15 or in Grade 8-9.
Essential Education’s Pre-GED Bridging Course TABE learning material.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you need support or help to pick your curriculum and subjects for homeschooling towards the GED.