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šŸ’” Placare šŸ“š Docere šŸŽÆ Movere

Updated: May 12, 2024

An ancient Roman orator once laid down for his pupils the three-fold aim of a teacher:

1.Ā PlacareĀ (to interest) 2.Ā DocereĀ (to teach) 3.Ā MovereĀ (to move)

1. To interest the audience (in order to teach them). 2. To teach them (in order to move them). 3. To move them to action.


1.Ā PlacareĀ (to interest)

I want especially to insist on attention to this rule. Some teachers seem to think that to interest the pupil is a minor matter. It is not a minor matter and the pupils will soon let you know it.

Believe me, it is no waste of time to spend hours during the week in planning to excite their interest to the utmost. Most of the complaints of inattention would cease at once if the teacher would give more study to rousing their interest. After all, there is little use in knowing the facts of your subject, and being anxious about the souls of the pupils, if all the time that you are teaching, these pupils are yawning and taking no interest in what you say.

I know some have more aptitude for teaching than others. Yet, after considerable experience of teachers whose lesson was a weariness to the flesh, and of teachers who never lost attention for a moment, I am convinced, on the whole, that the power to interest largely depends on the previous preparation.

Therefore do not content yourself with merely studying the teaching. Read widely and freely. Read not only commentaries, but books that will give local interest and colorā€”books that will throw valuable sidelights on your sketch.

To lose their interest is fatal.


2.Ā DocereĀ (to teach)

You interest the pupil in order that you mayĀ teach. Therefore teach definitely the Lesson that is set you. Do not be content with interesting him. Do not be content either with drawing spiritual teaching. Teach the facts before you. Be sure that God has inspired the narration of them for some good purpose.

To do this requires trouble and thought.


3.Ā MovereĀ (to Move)

All your teaching is useless unless it have this object: to move the heart, to rouse the affections toward the love of God, and the will toward the effort after the blessed life. You interest in order to teach.

You teach in order to move.Ā ThatĀ is the supreme object.


Sourced fromĀ on 2.09.2018

Compiled by Hanlie Wentzel



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