Compiled by Hanlie Wentzel on 30 July 2018.

Language arts (also known as English language arts) is the study and improvement of the arts of language. Traditionally, the primary divisions in language arts are literature and language, where language in this case refers to both linguistics, and specific languages.[1] Language arts instruction typically consists of a combination of reading, writing(composition), speaking, and listening.[2] In schools, language arts is taught alongside science, mathematics, and social studies.[3] (Sourced from on 30.07.2018)
The Language Arts
Listening: understanding spoken language
Speaking: communicating ideas through oral language
Reading: understanding written language
Writing: communicating through written language
Viewing: understanding visual images and connecting them to accompanying spoken or written words
Visually Representing: presenting information through images, either alone or along with spoken or written words (Sourced from on 30.07.2018)
What should I focus on when teaching Language Arts in our Homeschool?
A. Reading
Reading, by definition, is the ability and knowledge of a language that allows comprehension by grasping the meaning of written or printed characters, words, or sentences. Reading involves a wide variety of print and non-print texts that helps a reader gain an understanding of the material that is being read. Reading of texts that are often included in educational curriculum include fiction, nonfiction, classic, and also contemporary works. Reading goes beyond calling words to understanding the information presented in a written or a visual context.
It’s a great idea to start and keep a Reading List for your homeschool, here is how and why:
Here are a few ideas and links to compile your own Reading List.
#Homeschool Reading Lists:
B. Composition
Composition is defined as the combination of distinct parts or elements to form a whole and the manner in which these elements are combined or related.[4] The following are examples of composing in language arts:
The art or act of composing a literary work (i.e. novels, speeches, poems)
A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise. An essay is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. There are many types of short essays, including:
Argumentative essay
Cause and effect essay
Comparative essay
Compositions may also include:
Narrative essays
Expository essays
Persuasive essays
Technical writing essays
Research essays
#Homeschool Creative Writing Resources:
#Homeschool Grammar Mechanics Resources:
#Homeschool Spelling/Vocabulary Resources:
#Homeschool Handwriting Resources:
C. Speaking
Oration and live delivery are often key components of language arts programs. This can include through dramatic interpretation, speeches, oral interpretation of poetry, and the like. Speaking is a valuable way to enhance concepts of persuasion, and develop linguistic skills.[5]
#Homeschool Public Speaking Resources:
D. Listening
Listening can be considered the basis for development of speaking, reading, and writing skills.[6] It is the act of understanding spoken language, and is often paired with speaking.
#Homeschool Read-Aloud Reading Lists: