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Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Definition: “A general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.” Definition from Oxford Languages

Dyslexia falls under Neurodiversity. I find that it can be quite challenging to navigate this when you are homeschooling. As a parent you may struggle to know how to support and accommodate your child in this area. I have compiled a list of resources that I am aware of but I am always looking for more.

Often the symptoms and signs of people with dyslexia symptoms can be difficult to recognize. Paying close attention to your child development will help you determine if they are suffering from dyslexia or simply have trouble learning during the early stages of development that will disappear as they get older.

If you want to learn more about dyslexia take a look at this checklist for detecting signs of learning disability and take free online dyslexia tests to identify your child’s symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Dyslexia?

Some common symptoms include problems with:

  1. letter and world reversals

  2. decoding words

  3. rhyming words

  4. Reading aloud

  5. telling directions

  6. dysnomia or recalling names or words

  7. spelling

  8. words problems in math.

  9. jokes, punch lines, sarcasm and inferences

  10. following a series of written or aural directions

  11. mispronouncing words

Early signs of Dyslexia

According to the LDRFA (see more here the first thing to consider when diagnosing dyslexia is a person’s family history. The disorder is passed down genetically, meaning that a person is more likely to have it if their parents or grandparents had it.

It’s important to note that dyslexia can skip generations. Since dyslexia wasn’t well known it was often misdiagnosed. Thus, older adults who were afflicted were thought to have difficulty in reading rather than being dyslexic. Making it hard to determine the number of people suffering from dyslexia in previous generations.

Below are general signs that are usually seen in each age group:


· Find it difficult to learn the alphabets · Don’t understand rhyming patterns · Mispronounce words a lot

Grade schoolers

· Read slower than their counterparts · Can’t separate between certain letters · Struggle to read because of the deficiency to sound words · Don’t connect letters to their phonics · Struggle to follow instructions · Misspell easy words · Write slowly

Older kids

· Have messy handwriting · Take a longer time to finish their tests · Write slowly · Speak slowly · Don’t read out aloud · Use wrong words (dictionary) while reading or writing · Use a lot of fillers (umm, uhh) while they talk

If you suffered from these early signs and symptoms of dyslexia and had not suffered any loss of vision or hearing, then chances are that you might be suffering from dyslexia.

Benefits of Homeschooling a child with Dyslexia

  1. Allows for the necessary individualized instruction in all subject areas: reading, spelling, composition, and comprehension.

  2. Allows for kids to focus on areas of interest and for lessons to be planned around those interests.

  3. Allows for freedom from being measured against peers, day in and day out, with no learning difficulties.

  4. Allows for your child to work at their own pace using resources that work best with their individual strengths.

  5. Homeschooling necessarily avoids the rigid scheduling and standardized testing {and the practice of teaching to the test} that is required in the public schools.

Dyslexic Gifts

  1. Dyslexics often enjoy and excel at solving puzzles.

  2. Dyslexics have excellent comprehension of the stories read or told them.

  3. Most dyslexics often have a better sense of spatial relationships and better use of their right brain.

  4. Dyslexics have excellent thinking skills in the areas of conceptualization, reason, imagination, and abstraction.

  5. Dyslexics have a strong ability to see concepts with a “big picture” perspective.

  6. Dyslexics are adept to excellence in areas not dependent on reading.

  7. Dyslexics typically have a large spoken vocabulary for their age.

  8. Dyslexics tend to be more curious, creative, and intuitive than average.

  9. Dyslexics’ special mode of thought easily produces the gift of mastery.

  10. Dyslexia is not related to low intelligence.

Solutions for Dyslexia

  1. Research has proven that explicit, systematic phonics can actually help ‘rewire’ the brain and help dyslexic students learn to read.

  2. The use of the Orton-Gillingham approach can significantly compensate for the language learning and processing problems that arise from dyslexia.

  3. Dyslexics score significantly higher on test when they are given additional time and given the test orally.

  4. Dyslexics do best when directions are two steps or fewer. They often get confused and frustrated with a long list of “to dos” or directions.

  5. The more important, consistent, frequent, multi-sensory, and emotionally reinforcing information is presented, the easier and more enduring language learning becomes for dyslexics.




  1. Funschooling Special Needs ADHD Dyscalculia

  2. Homeschooling with Dyslexia

  3. ADHD Intensive and

  4. Good Sensory Learning Dyslexia

  5. Good Sensory Learning: Dyslexia Materials

  6. Dog on a Log Books: All DOG ON A LOG Books follow a Structured Literacy/Orton-Gillingham based phonics sequence.

  7. This Reading Mama: Dyslexia

  8. International Dyslexia Association: Dyslexia Handbook

  9. The Secret Stories: Phonics for Dyslexia

  10. Homeschooling with Dyslexia

  11. Reading Horizons: At Home Solutions

  12. The LDRFA Assistive Technology and



  1. Wordly Wise 3000

  2. All about Spelling

  3. Spelling You See

  4. Spelling Wisdom

  5. Total Language Plus Vocab/Spelling

  6. Vocabulary Lists

  7. WordUp App

  8. Zinc Learning Labs

  9. Vocabu-Lit Series

  10. Twinkl Word Roots

  11. WordBuild Online

  12. Sequential Spelling Online

  13. Home Spelling Words Free Online Games

  14. A Reason For Spelling

Happy Homeschooling! 


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