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Eunoia Homeschool Curriculum Directory


There are so many wonderful and delightful homeschool curricula and resources available.

Firstly, you get a Complete Curriculum that will provide all the subjects and homeschool support in the form of Teacher Manuals and Tests/Exams, etc. that you may need to educate your child at home. This can be book-based, online or blended (where you combine online with book-based resources).

Secondly, you get single subjects, book-based or online, that you can use to build your own custom-fit and eclectic curriculum for your specific child’s unique needs.

Need help to pick the right one?

Quick Links
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Here are some quick links to help you navigate this page or just scroll down to explore at your own leisure :)

Things to Keep in Mind

The way you build your child’s curriculum will be determined by:

  • your child's individual needs & neuro-profile,

  • your homeschool philosophy and method;

  • the age of your child (primary school or high school); 

  • the education system and curriculum you choose, e.g. SA, UK or US curricula;

  • the matric pathway and school exit of your choice, e.g. the South African NSC / IEB, the UK Cambridge / Pearson Edexcel, or the US GED or American High School Diploma.

Eunoia Homeschool Curriculum Directory
Image by Clay Banks

Finding your Homeschool Method

Homeschool Philosophy

Educational philosophy serves a foundational framework for understanding how children learn, what subjects are essential, and the perspectives from which education should be delivered. It encompasses guiding principles that shape your beliefs and practices in teaching. Ultimately, your educational philosophy will influence the methods you choose, which in turn will inform your curriculum decisions. By articulating your philosophy, you cultivate a more effective and meaningful learning experience for your students.

Matric Pathways

There are 3 Curriculum Pathways and 4 Matric Qualifications (School Leaving Certificates) popular with 

Homeschoolers in South Africa; all are recognized by USAf, SAQA and our Tertiary Institutions. 

Children have different needs and you need to choose the best fit for your child.

Beanie Hat and Book

Homeschool Curricula & Resources for

Book-based Learning

Some people prefer the tactile experience of physical books and favor a hands-on method where their child engages with a book-based curriculum that includes textbooks, workbooks, worksheets and living books.

Homeschool Curricula & Resources for

Online Learning

You have the option to choose a comprehensive online curriculum that is parent-led and self-paced, a single online subject, or enroll in an online school or virtual school with live classes. Additionally, you can adopt a blended approach by integrating living books, textbooks, and hands-on worksheets with online learning.

Online Education
Enjoying a Read

Homeschool Curricula & Resources for

Faith-based Learning

You can find numerous faith-based homeschool resources and service providers to help you instill a Biblical worldview, promote Christian values, and nurture your child's character.

Homeschool Curricula & Resources for

Neurodivergent Learning

There are homeschool curricula and service providers that specifically caters for Neurodivergent Students with Learning Differences. You could also follow a eclectic/ blended approach and use a variety of recourses that are self-paced (because ND functioning is not fixed), asynchronous (your child is probably on different grade levels at the same time – ranging from gifted/advanced to remedial), child-centered, interest-led and delight-directed. Make room for SPINS (Special Interests) that sparks joy.

Building Robot Vehicle

Eunoia Curriculum Directory

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Welcome to the Eunoia Curriculum Directory! Here, you'll discover a wide range of options tailored for homeschooling in South Africa. Our directory categorizes various Matric Pathways to help you find the best fit for your educational journey. Dive in and explore the diverse choices available to empower your homeschooling experience.

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Mother and Daughter Using Laptop
Autumn Handcrafts

1. American Pathway

For more information on how to homeschool with the American Curriculum, click on the yellow bird for the AHSD and the blue bird for the GED.

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Complete Homeschool Curriculum:

Book-based & Online

  1. The Good and the Beautiful FREE for ENGLISH levels K-8 & MATH levels K-7. Marine Biology is also FREE.

  2. Funschooling see FREE pdf resources.

  3. Sonlight

  4. Classical Conversations

  5. Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool FREE.

  6. Gather Round Homeschool

  7. My Father’s World

  8. Winter Promise Curriculum

  9. ACE School of Tomorrow Curriculum

  10. Book Shark

  11. A Gentle Feast

  12. Simply Charlotte Mason

  13. Timberdoodle Curriculum Kits

Online Service Providers & Online Schools

NOTE: In order to qualify for matric exemption in South Africa per USAf’s requirements you need to do the US High School (grades 9-12) through an ACCREDITED service provider for the American High School Diploma.

  1. Power Homeschool

  2. Acellus Academy ACCREDITED

  3. Southern  African Virtual School ACCREDITED

  4. Switched On you need to work through an Academy in South Africa, e.g. Active Academy  ACCREDITED

  5. Khan Academy FREE

  6. Time4Learning

  7. Abeka Academy ACCREDITED


  9. Northgate Academy ACCREDITED

  10. Excel High School ACCREDITED

  11. Christa McAuliffe Academy School of Arts and Sciences ACCREDITED

  12. James Madison High School ACCREDITED

  13. North Star Academy ACCREDITED

  14. Oak Meadow School ACCREDITED

  15. WiloStar 3D Academy ACCREDITED

  16. Whitmore School ACCREDITED

  17. Well Trained Mind Academy ACCREDITED

  18. Enlightium Academy ACCREDITED

Umbrella Schools

  1. Home Life Academy ACCREDITED

  2. Kairos Academy SA ACCREDITED

  3. Diversio Learning ACCREDITED

  4. Bridgeway Academy ACCREDITED

Gifted & Talented Online Schools

  1. Laurel Springs School ACCREDITED

  2. Stanford University Online High School ACCREDITED

Pre-GED Bridging Course (Eng & Math)

Subjects for
Eclectic Homeschooling
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Individual subjects can be sourced from various curriculum providers to build your own eclectic, individualized, child-centered and delight-directed curriculum.

English Language Arts

Phonics & Reading

Writing & Grammar

  1. Night Zookeeper

  2. IEW Institute of Excellence in Writing

  3. Easy Grammar Series

  4. Language Lessons for Today (My Father’s World)

  5. Saxon Grammar and Writing

  6. Classical Writing

  7. Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum

  8. Movies as Literature

  9. Tapestry of Grace and see their online version

  10. Tapestry of Grace Writing

  11. Brave Writer

  12. No Red Ink

  13. Write at Home

  14. Fix it! Grammar

  15. Keys to Good Language, available from Sonlight

  16. Khan Academy Grammar FREE

  17. Winston Grammar

  18. Grammar Book – The Blue Book

  19. Quill Grammar

  20. Grammar Flip

  21. Grammaropolis

  22. Grammar Planet

  23. Life of Fred Language Arts Series

  24. Write Shop

  25. Analytical Grammar

  26. Writing with Ease from the Well-trained Mind


Math Curriculum

  1. Math-U-See, SA version, available from Good Neighbours Bookshop Math-U-See (previously from Oikos)  or their official website for the digital version

  2. The Good and the Beautiful Math FREE

  3. Singapore Math South Africa

  4. Saxon Math, available on Takealot and Loot.

  5. Teaching Textbooks Math

  6. CTC Math

  7. Life of Fred Math

  8. Math Mammoth

  9. Miquon Math available on Sonlight or Amazon

  10. Khan Academy Math FREE

  11. MathTacular!

  12. Math Antics FREE

  13. Right Start Math

  14. IXL Math

  15. Adapted Mind Math

  16. Matific

  17. Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction and here


Science Curriculum

  1. The Good and the Beautiful Science

  2. Sonlight Science

  3. Exploring Creation science series – Apologia Science for Junior and Senior High Levels and available from Creation Store in South Africa

  4. Science in History Series

  5. Noeo Science

  6. Elemental Science

  7. Super Charged Science

  8. God’s Design Science Series, from MasterBooks

Experiments & Enrichment

  1. Steve Spangler SICK! Science and his at home learning solutions and Science Kits and see his SICK! Science videos

  2. Mystery Science

  3. Supercharged Free Science Experiments

  4. Science Fun Experiments for Kids

  5. 60 Easy Science Experiments using Materials You Already Have on Hand

  6. DK Science & Nature Books

  7. Elephango see Science

  8. Biology on Ted Talks

  9. Britannica Science Launch packs

  10. Cells Alive!

  11. Gizmos Interactive Science Simulations

  12. Hewitt Drew-it! Animation videos about conceptual physics

  13. Periodic Table of Elements in Pictures

  14. Science Mom

  15. The Homeschool Scientist Experiments

  16. Experilab Online Shop for Biology & Chemistry Kits in South Africa

  17. My Lab Science and Chemistry Kits in South Africa and see their Technology Kits

  18. Smart Labs for Science Equipment in South Africa

  19. Nkazimulo Science Kit

  20. Magic School Bus Videos on YouTube Readers on Takealot or Reader's Warehouse

  21. Hooked on Science

  22. Equine Science from Winter Promise

Nature Journals

  1. The Good and the Beautiful Nature Notebook and Birdwatching Notebook

  2. Fun-Schooling Nature Study Journals

  3. See this article from Supercharged Science on “How to keep a Science Journal”

  4. The Homeschool Scientist: The Minimalist Guide to Nature Journals

  5. How to start a Nature Journal



  1. Afrikaans sonder Grense available from SchoolSuppliers Leerderboek & Leesboek, Onderwysgids

  2. Tipplie Leesreeks

  3. ToetenTaal Afrikaans

  4. Piekfyn Afrikaans

  5. Beter Afrikaans – Spelreëls en Spelling

  6. Kom in pas met Afrikaans

  7. Omvattend Afrikaans

  8. Slimkoppe gr. R tot 7

  9. Woema Boeke

  10. VIVA Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans

  11. My Klaskamer – Afrikaans Huistaal gr. 1  tot 3

  12. Luistervink – stories word voorgelees

  13. Maljan boekies van Edu Smile

  14. Kieswetter Klaskamer

  15. My Afrikaanse Avontuur – Afrikaans

  16. Leer Afrikaans 123

  17. Leer Afrikaans sonder om jou rieme styf te loop

Foreign Language

  1. Rosetta Stone

  2. 10 Minutes a Day Series

  3. The Learnables Foreign Language Courses

  4. Muzzy BBC

  5. Duolingo

  6. Sign Language

  7. Better Chinese

  8. Learn to Read, Write and Speak Japanese Easily


Social Studies:
History & Geography


Art, Art History, Art Appreciation & Animation

  1. Sparketh

  2. Pixar in a Box by Khan Academy

  3. Skillshare Art Classes

  4. DIY Art & Craft Courses

  5. Outschool Drawing Courses Painting Courses

  6. Outschool Animation Courses

  7. Khan Academy Art History

  8. Khan Academy Art of Africa  

  9. Khan Academy Looking at Art

  10. Funschooling Art

  11. Artistic Pursuits

  12. Atelier Art Attack Curriculum

  13. How Great Thou Art Homeschool Art Curriculum

  14. Art Courses

  15. Charlotte Mason Poetry

  16. Famous Paintings Art Appreciation

  17. Drawspace Drawing Lessons

  18. Hodgepodge 50 free Art Lessons 100+ Free Art Lessons

  19. Incredible Art Artists & Artwork

  20. Kinderart Lessons

  21. Scholastic Art Magazines

  22. Google Arts & Culture

  23. National Gallery of Art Learning Resources

  24. The South African Artist Magazine

  25. The Virtual Instructor Art Courses & Lessons

  26. OCAD Arts: Art Course Work

  27. Udemy Drawing

  28. Domestika 3D and Animation

  29. Acellus Academy AP Studio Art – Drawing

  30. Creating a Masterpiece

Bible Studies

  1. Bible Project Bible Studies and get the app

  2. The Bible App for Kids

  3. SuperBook CBN

  4. Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum

  5. Friends and Heroes Bible Curriculum

  6. Grape Vine Bible Studies

  7. Calvary Curriculum

Music & Music Appreciation

  1. Funschooling Music

  2. Classics for Kids

  3. Beethoven Who? Family Fun with Music

  4. Skillshare Music Classes

  5. Flowkey: Learn how to play the piano online

  6. Domestika Music & Audio Courses

  7. Hoffman Academy Online Piano Lessons

  8. Homeschool Piano

  9. Acellus Academy Music Appreciation

  10. Acellus Academy AP Music Theory

Kids in Art Class

2. The British Pathway

For more information on how to homeschool with the British Curriculum, click on the bird below.

Online Service Providers & Online Schools

  1. Saintsburg Online School

  2. Cambrilearn 

  3. Wingu Academy

  4. CL Education

  5. Theocentric Christian Education

  6. My Online Schooling

  7. Mountain Cambridge School Online

  8. Wolsey Hall Oxford

  9. Saving Grace Education

  10. Kings Inter High Leading Online School

  11. Open Study College

  12. Harrow School Online

  13. The Chapel Lane Academy

  14. Crimson Global Academy

  15. Cambridge Homeschool Online

  16. Cambridge Online Academy



3. South African Pathway

For more information on how to homeschool with the South African, CAPS Curriculum, click on the bird below.

Online Service Providers & Online Schools


  1. Impaq offers a book-based option (gr. R-12)

Discover the Eunoia Homeschool 101 Workbook, designed to empower and equip parents to navigate homeschooling with confidence.


As a Homeschool Consultant specializing in neurodivergent homeschool solutions, my goal is to support and guide you every step of the way.


You will receive this Workbook as a FREE gift when you book your 1st homeschool consultation with me. It contains a lot of important information to help you get started with homeschooling.


Join Eunoia Neurodivergent Wellness and take the first step towards a successful and nurturing homeschooling journey for your family.

This is your Time to Bloom!

  • Available Online

    Find the Best Fit: Workbook & Workshop to find your Curriculum

    850 South African rand
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